From: $25.00 / year

1 year


SKU: web-pages-1 Categories:, Tags:,

Product Description

This package will renew your group hosting and domain that were registered by our company.

Group hosting platform price breakdown:

  • Hosting $100/year
  • Domain $25/year
  • Custom slider $50/year

Private hosting platform price breakdown:

  • Hosting $210/year
  • Domain $30/year

Host your new website with us or transfer the existing web to our host. We will do the database and files transfer for you. Affordable safe hosting for all your web files is here!

You’ve just reserved a domain name and are ready to start building your website. Congratulations! Now you may be wondering why you have to pay for web hosting. This begs the question: What is web hosting? And why do I need it?

When you plan to start a business in the real world, you need a physical location to set up, store, and sell your products. The same rules apply in the digital world while setting up a website.

During online business development, you have a series of files, images, and HTML code that make up your website. These files take up space and need a place to live. Without an online home, your files would just sit on your computer and no one would ever see them. A hosting provider will provide a place on a web server to store all of your files and are responsible for delivering the files of your website as soon as a browser makes a request by typing in your domain name.

When you pay for hosting services, you are simply renting storage space on the internet — just like you would rent a physical store for your business.

What is the difference between group and private hosting?

Group Hosting Platform means that your website files are stored on Web Maintenance US hosting platform. Your website data is hosted in a group with other companies who chose this package. No hosting dashboard access will be provided. All hosting modifications must be requested in writing and sent to

Private Hosting Platform means that your website files are stored on private hosting platform. Your personal data must be used to create this platform. You will be individual owner of the hosting platform. Private access will be provided to your hosting dashboard. Customer is responsible for yearly renewal of Private Hosting Dashboard and Domain associated with it.

Customer must ensure that the payment information on this subscription is up to date for successful hosting and domain renewal. If customer fails to submit the payment before hosting and domain expiration date, the website will be disabled and database files might be deleted.

View hosting and domain renewal policy here:

What is domain?

Domain name is the address of your website that people type in the browser URL bar to visit your website.

In simple terms, if your website was a house, then your domain name will be its address.

Domain looks line this:
Our domain is:

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